My background in Taijiquan

I am a Danish man who has practiced Tai Chi since the mid-1980ies. I had already looked a bit into Taoist philosophy and Taoist alchemy, when Tai Chi was recommended to me as I was recovering from a shoulder injury. The holistic approach of Martial Art, Health, and Spirituality appealed to me. It just took one class to convince me that I was on the right path.

Over the years I have had periods of intensive study and practice as well as periods of almost neglecting Tai Chi. Today, I am settled in a practice routine that sustains my continuing Tai Chi growth and development, yet doesn't completely dominate my existence.


My first year of Tai Chi, I studied what was then known as  Peking Style - I believe it is called 24 Form today. Then my teacher switched to Yang Style as taught by Grand Master Tung Kai Ying, so I switched too. I have studied this style since then, learning a few more sets along the way.

My original teacher was Frank Feldmann, who in turn learned from Troels Dalgaard, Diana Toxværd, and Tung Kai Ying. I have also had the privilige  of attending several of Master Tung's workshops. Master Tung is the grandson of Dong Ying Jie, who studied and worked with Yang Cheng Fu.

If you have questions or commentaries, want to report dead links, or have some other reason to want to communicate directly with me, you can e-mail me at and I might get back to you

An anecdote about Yang Jian Hou:

It is told that Yang Lu Chan was a very strict teacher. More than once, his sons Yang Ban Hou and Yang Jian Hou ran away from home to escape the hard training.

One time Yang Jian Hou was so desperate that he tried to hang himself. But he had already practiced so much that his neck was very strong, and he did not die.

He was cut down and taken back to his father so he could practice some more.
